



题目: From Memory Safety on x86 to Security in Android Systems and Applications

学者: Debin Gao 副教授

单位 Singapore Management University

时间: 64 14:00—15:00

地点: 计控楼523


Bio: Debin Gao is an Associate Professor from School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University. Having obtained his PhD degree from Carnegie Mellon University, Debin focuses his research on software and systems security. In recent years, Debin also actively participates in research of mobile security, cloud security, and human factors in security. He's the recipient of the Lee Kong Chian Fellowship in year 2017.



Title: From Memory Safety on x86 to Security in Android Systems and Applications

Abstract: Software and systems security researchers have been working on enhancing memory safety of the x86 platform for many years, and are probably more active in the research of mobile systems research in recent years. I will begin this talk with our recent work on leveraging a dual-stack architecture on the x86 platform, and then move on to a series of research projects on Android systems and application security, including Return-Oriented Programming attacks on the new ART runtime, vulnerability in apps declaring their platform SDK versions, and a library-based approach to defend against component hijacking attacks. I will conclude my talk by briefly describing some ongoing projects on Android as well as employment and study opportunities at Secure Mobile Center Singapore.