

Title: Introduction to 3D Modelling and Its Development in the Artificial Intelligence Era




主讲人:杨永亮(Mac Yang

Bio: Yong-Liang Yang received his PhD degree from Tsinghua University in 2009. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of Bath. His research interests are broadly in visual computing and interactive techniques. His work has led to more than 40 publications in major journals and conferences in computer graphics/computer vision/human computer interaction, including 20 papers at top venues in the field, such as ACM TOG, IEEE TVCG, SIGCHI, UIST, NIPS, and ICCV.  He has served on program committees of multiple major conferences including Symposium on Geometry Processing, Pacific Graphics, and Solid Physical Modeling. He is a recipient of the Computer Aided Geometric Design Most Cited Paper Award in 2011 and 2012. His work has also been selected as research highlights by the Communications of the ACM.

Personal webpage: http://www.yongliangyang.net

:杨永亮,2009年博士毕业于清华大学,现任英国巴斯大学计算机系副教授。主要研究方向涵盖可视计算及交互技术。在计算机图形学/计算机视觉/人机交互方向的主要期刊/会议上发表论文超过40篇,其中20篇收录于顶级期刊/会议如ACM TOG, IEEE TVCG, SIGCHI, UIST, NIPSICCV。担任多个国际著名学术会议程序委员会委员,包括Symposium on Geometry Processing, Pacific Graphics, Solid Physical Modeling。曾获20112012Computer Aided Geometric Design杂志最高引用奖。工作曾被Communications of the ACM作为代表性研究收录。

个人主页: http://www.yongliangyang.net

Abstract: 3D modelling is a fundamental research area in computer graphics. It studies how to manipulate (e.g., represent, reconstruct, analyze, edit) 3D digital shapes for various important graphics applications including visual effects, animated films, computer games, product design, just to name a few. This masterclass will give an introduction to 3D modelling and its development from conventional techniques (e.g., spline, constructive solid geometry, and digitalization) to more advanced techniques (e.g., sketch-based methods, data-driven methods, procedural generation) according to the speaker’s research experience. The impact of recent advances in artificial intelligence on 3D modelling will also be discussed.
