

讲题目: Engineered Tools for the Characterization and Manipulation of Endothelial Cells



细胞工程化系统以开发针对人类疾病的新疗法为目的,为实现探索细胞功能机制以及系统地控制细胞行为开辟了新机会。我们将介绍一种可行的细胞工程系统,该系统结合高聚焦磁镊,原子力显微镜(AFM),微流体芯片(microfluidic device)应用,微球图像测速(PIV)和细胞力重建(TFM)执行微操作和搭建细胞力学性能的模型。 通过调控细胞感应的细胞外基质(ECM)刚度,表征内皮细胞行为,即在可控的外力条件下测定细胞与ECM的机械互动行为,细胞粘附和迁移行为。 实验结果验证了在微米/纳米级精度上探测和调控细胞的可行性。 

Engineered cellular systems open up new opportunities for probing cell functional mechanisms as well as systematically controlling cell behaviors for developing new treatments for human diseases. This talk will introduce our development of engineered tools for cellular characterization and manipulation with high-focality magnetic tweezers, atomic force microscopy (AFM), microfluidic chip processing, particle image velocimetry (PIV), and traction force microscopy (TFM). These tools enabled us to actively manipulate local rigidity of extracellular matrix (ECM) and to characterize endothelial cell behaviors such as the mechanical interactions with the ECM, cellular adhesion and migration under controlled experimental conditions. The work demonstrated a proof-of-concept feasibility of probing and manipulating cells at the micro/nano-scale level of precision.

时间: 周四(1114日)18:30-20:10

地点: 5B301
